MAY 10, 2011: http://www.iadcro.com/iadcroinformation.html (new)
Since IADCRO we
thank so much to all the collaborators, by his offer in helping in this right
cause. At the moment the way in that they can collaborate with IADCRO and help
in this right cause, is using METHOD IADCRO http://www.iadcro.com/diffusion.html
Also spreading
all the information that you think that is important, which you can see
reflected in the IADCRO Web site or in other places that we are not, in which
defend the same ideal that us and by priorities according in your criterion. At
the moment, the present information and for this reason the more consider at
the time to spreading in any means and where you can, is the following one:
Not more
criminalisations nor discriminations by the race. http://www.iadcro.com/iadcrofb.html (In English & Spanish)
order to provide the well-being and stability in all aspects for all the dogs
with responsible owners, without concerning about his breed or his country, we
must create, a pleasant and healthful atmosphere, in where the love by the
animals will determines the good between all those people that wish that this
project works, so we could defend the dogs the best possible way within the
possibilities of each one.
With this project to cooperate all together, we will have the
opportunity to know many people and to interchange knowledge and opinions about
our common interest, the love by our dogs, regardless of the breeds.
How can I become member of IADCRO?
Simply wishing it, it’s absolutely free. The only requirement is to be
an animal’s lover, especially love dogs. To be a member of this project IADCRO, is not necessary to have a dog, simply to imply
yourselves and to commit yourselves in helping disinterestedly within your
possibilities. Internet will be evidently our weapon, with which we will stay
informed, and direct our tactics to achieve our objectives. All united as one,
I believe that the unjust Laws about breeds dogs don´t
will resist us.
Do you or your Club wish to be a member of IADCRO?
If you want to be a member, just send us an email with your full name,
the name of your favourite breed, Country and email address to: iadcro@iadcro.com . If you represent a
Club, Association or Federation of any breed, then you must send the complete
name of the organization. Remember, to be member of IADCRO, it is absolutely
free. ADCRO is a nonprofit organization does not
charge membership fees. Does not ask for donations either.
Our only interest is to save some breed dogs from the extermination or
extinction voluntarily caused by humans.
Our objectives will be listed on a chapter denominated ALERT. When any member of IADCRO sees that in his country politicians want to
make unjust BSL affecting any breed, because we see them all alike since they
are all, defenceless facing the ruthless humans.
When a member of IADCRO wishes to denounce an ALERT, must indicate it
direct to IADCRO and these ALERT will be
sent to all the members of IADCRO by mail, so that they can begin to work in
that ALERT.
order to begin to work, we are going to start with the ALERT in PORTUGAL We
expect all the animals lovers will commit disinterestedly to obtain our
objective in PORTUGAL so the birth of IADCRO have not been in vain, and must
continue to work, since there is much work to do in many countries, were BSL is
being enforced against defenceless and impotent dog owners.
Liberation of our dogs with the END OF THE BSL
How can I help in the IADCRO ALERT?
We can spread,
pass it on to all our contacts, to mass media, in public forums of Internet
(dogs forums, animal, nature, human rights, etc.) and all the ways that we will
can think to spread the more effectively possible the information that appears
in the IADCRO Web site, to try to humbly secure to the collaboration and help
that could contribute to us the fans and lovers of the animal rights. Without
this collaboration and help, the situation will not allow us to acquire the
force that we needed to secure the objective.
information with that you can begin to spread would be by priorities. At the
moment most urgent to spread is the Venezuela and Denmark information for being
present, then that is the information with which it would begin to bomb in your
diffusion, after this either the more calmly, would be taking more IADCRO information always in the high-priority way
the more in your opinion or criterion of each: http://www.iadcro.com/information.html
times, you would watch the cover of the IADCRO Web site www.iadcro.com or FIAPBT www.fiapbt.net , since if they leave new alert would reflect in that place. Also we can watch
in the section of the last news to acquire this information: http://www.villaliberty.org/ultimasnoticias.html based on the priority that has this alert of
help, is in the way that we would guide ourselves at the time of the diffusion
help. I hope that with these slight knowledge, it
serves to orient to all those that are showing interest in helping in this
right cause and they do not know like doing it.
Are you going to just sit down while your best
friend is being delivered and slaughtered???.
In my opinion, all this is easy and simple to make, is only necessary to
put good will and a little positive effort, the motivation is provided to us by
our dogs when we look them to his eyes.
“UNITED WE STAND". All Together with IADCRO
the animal’s lovers of the WORLD, to fight against the unjust
and abusive BSL, with no mattering to us what dog breed are affected. Yesterday
were the dogs of England, France, Germany……..today are the dogs of PORTUGAL,
but tomorrow can be the dogs in your country and your preferred breed can be
also beaten and mistreated by an absurd and unjust Law.. All together in IADCRO. Don’t feel
defenceless for that much abuse and come with us, all together for our dogs.
Mariano Peinado
IADCRO iadcro@iadcro.com
In the FIRST
IADCRO INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS about BSL, has been demonstrated scientifically the nonexistence of Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous
breeds dogs. http://www.iadcro.com/informationcongress.html
How can I help to defense the
discriminations breed dogs by the BSL?
IMPORTANCE OF THE DIFFUSION TO SECURE TO MODIFY THE BSL http://www.iadcro.com/diffusion.html
BSL WE MUST DOING BOYCOTT http://www.iadcro.com/boicot.htm
NEWS BOLETIN http://www.villaliberty.org/newsboletin.html
IADCRO http://www.iadcro.com http://www.iadcro.com/information.html
Statistics: http://www.fiapbt.net/statistics.htm - MEMBER LIST OF IADCRO. http://www.villaliberty.org/iadcrolist.htm
Breed specific legislation failing globally:
VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQ9Te3A17LQ
OF THE HISTORY. IS BETTER A IMAGE THAM THOUSAND WORDS. http://www.fiapbt.net/fotosbuenas.html
IADCRO and the FIAPBT thank so
much to all representatives, members and collaborators, for the important
effort that they are doing in the diffusion
of all related with the defence of the discriminated
breed dogs and continue doing everything what are in his hands and within of
his possibilities, to secure the objectives of this just cause, by many
disadvantages that are in the way. The diffusion of the
IADCRO information, is what it really gives the force
to us to be able to press suitably to the Governments of the countries that
contemplate the BSL and in this way, to be
considered. Consequently to this last, we would have more possibilities so that
the Law was annulled or modified according to our request, in right terms for
the dogs of any breed or cross.
How can I help in this just cause, as is the defense
of the dogs pertaining to certain breed dogs? http://www.villaliberty.org/howcanido2.html
We can spread, pass it on to all our contacts, to mass media, in public forums of
Internet (dogs forums, animal, nature, human rights, etc.) and all the ways that
we will can think to spread the more effectively possible the information that
appears in the IADCRO Web site, to try to humbly secure to the collaboration
and help that could contribute to us the
fans and lovers of the animal rights. Without this collaboration and help, the situation will not allow us to acquire the force that we needed to
secure the objective.
The information with that you can begin to spread would be by
priorities. At the moment most urgent to spread is the Venezuela and Denmark
information for being present, then that is the information with which it would
begin to bomb in your diffusion, after this either the more
calmly, would be taking more IADCRO
information always in the high-priority way the more in your opinion or
criterion of each: http://www.iadcro.com/information.html
times, you would watch the cover of the IADCRO Web site www.iadcro.com or FIAPBT
www.fiapbt.net , since
if they leave new alert
would reflect in that place. Also we can watch in the section of the last news
to acquire this information: http://www.villaliberty.org/ultimasnoticias.html based on the priority that has this alert of
help, is in the way that we would guide ourselves at the time of the diffusion
help. I hope that with these slight knowledge, it
serves to orient to all those that are showing interest in helping in this
right cause and they do not know like doing it. However, any type of doubt, you
can write to:
Mariano Peinado: iadcro@iadcro.com
Goya Delegations Coordinator: inakigoya@yahoo.es