TERRIER BOOKS writings by
Mariano Peinado:
(News) Coming soon;
NEW BOOK titled:
“AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER, beyond the Legend.” By Mariano Peinado (FIAPBT,
IADCRO & Villa Liberty kennels)
1º- "The American Pit Bull Terrier" (1997). SOLD OUT
This book
have 208 pages, with 100 photographs in color and
white and black. Treats upon the A.P.B.T. origins, the betters
breeders of every time, the betters dogs of this breed of every time and among
others many themes, also they clear up enough polemics and confusions that
circulate among the American Pit Bull Terrier fans.
2º- "In Defense of some Innocents, the
Dogs" (1999).
This book have
200 pages and with 100 photographs. It tries the polemics that I am untied
after the social alarm against the breed dogs and especially upon the American
Pit Bull Terrier in Spain. In the book, be denunciated everything that existed
behind that simple, social alarm and flatly an economic plot directed by the
president of the society canine. These acts bastards against the breed dogs and
the dogs in general, they are very similar in all those countries where be decided to legislate negatively against the breed dogs.
All the lovers of the dogs and of the animals in general, not to should pass
for high everything that is denounced in the content of the book, to thus be
able to channel of form but concrete and precise the defense
of the dogs, they be of the country that they be.
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